maven - Autowiring classes from external jar with Spring -

i'm trying build standalone application (not running inside application server) spring , i'm facing following problem :

my standalone application (spring enabled) depending on project (bundled jar) contains lot of services in com.application.service (annotated @service).

there no spring related configuration in external project , standalone application context simple, contains :

<context:component-scan base-package="com.application" />

here example of class depends on service can't acquired :

@service public class standaloneservice {      @autowired     private someservice someservice;      // ... } 

standaloneservice contained in standalone application while someservice in external jar.

the error :

caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.nosuchbeandefinitionexception: no qualifying bean of type [com.application.someservice] found dependency: expected @ least 1 bean qualifies autowire candidate dependency. dependency annotations: {@org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.autowired(required=true)}

here how i'm creating applicationcontext , trying acquire service :

public static void main(string[] args) {      abstractapplicationcontext context = new classpathxmlapplicationcontext(new string[] { "applicationcontext.xml" });     beanfactory factory = (beanfactory) context;      standaloneservice standalone = factory.getbean(standaloneservice.class); } 

how i'm building standalone application :

<plugin>     <groupid>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupid>     <artifactid>maven-jar-plugin</artifactid>     <version>2.4</version>     <configuration>         <archive>             <index>true</index>             <manifest>                 <classpathprefix>./lib/</classpathprefix>                 <addclasspath>true</addclasspath>                 <mainclass>com.application.main</mainclass>             </manifest>         </archive>     </configuration> </plugin>  <plugin>     <groupid>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupid>     <artifactid>maven-dependency-plugin</artifactid>     <executions>         <execution>             <id>copy-dependencies</id>             <phase>package</phase>             <goals>                 <goal>copy-dependencies</goal>             </goals>             <configuration>                 <outputdirectory>${}/lib</outputdirectory>                 <overwritereleases>false</overwritereleases>                 <overwritesnapshots>false</overwritesnapshots>                 <overwriteifnewer>true</overwriteifnewer>             </configuration>         </execution>     </executions> </plugin> 

how i'm running (which leads failure) :

java -jar target/standalone.jar

what strange if run way works :

mvn "-dexec.args=-classpath %classpath com.application.main" -dexec.executable=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk/bin/java -dexec.classpathscope=runtime process-classes org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1:exec

does me figure out why spring can't see external services in first case ?


this pom.xml of external jar :

<plugin>     <groupid>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupid>     <artifactid>maven-jar-plugin</artifactid>     <version>2.4</version>     <configuration>         <archive>             <manifest>                 <adddefaultimplementationentries>true</adddefaultimplementationentries>                 <addclasspath>true</addclasspath>             </manifest>         </archive>     </configuration> </plugin> 

three months later, have response : annotation scan not scanning external jars in classpath

as stated in accepted answer, when using -jar option -cp option ignored.

running application way made working expected !

java -cp target/lib/external.jar:target/standalone.jar package.main 


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