json - Receive data at node.js server from Ajax call in Object format -

i using ajax call post data client side node server , trying receive data @ server end, manipulate it(do db query) , return response.

client side code :

$.ajax({     type: "post",     url: "http://localhost:8888/ajaxrequest",      datatype: "json",     data:  {name: "manish", address: {city: "bbsr", country: "in"}} }).done(function ( data ) {     console.log("ajax callback response:" + data); }); 

server side :

var port = 8888; var server = http.createserver(); server.on('request', request); server.listen(port);  function request(request, response) {     var store = '';     response.writehead(200, {"content-type": "text/json"});     request.on('data', function(data) {         store += data;     });     request.on('end', function() {         console.log(store);         response.end(store);     }); } 

problem : when consoling "store" variable in request end function getting this:


i want same data @ server side sent in ajax 'data' parameter. tried, querystring.parse, json.parse() no help. want output :

{name: "manish", address: {city: "bbsr", country: "in"}} 

you need tell jquery json request:

$.ajax({     type: "post",     url: "http://localhost:8888/ajaxrequest",      datatype: "json",     contenttype: "application/json; charset=utf-8",     data:  json.stringify({name: "manish", address: {city: "bbsr", country: "in"}}) }).done(function ( data ) {     console.log("ajax callback response:" + data); }); 

this way, request body reach server stringified json, you'll able following:

request.on('end', function() {     store = json.parse(store);     console.log(store); // ta-daaa, object!     response.end(store); }); 


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