broadcastreceiver - Need to run my app before the unlock screen in android -
i need run app user clicks on unlock screen. have used action_user_present intent in broadcastreceiver check. used following code. need show app before unlock screen. app visible after unlock screen. appreciated. my broadcastreceiver package com.progressindicator; import android.content.broadcastreceiver; import android.content.context; import android.content.intent; import android.view.windowmanager; public class receive extends broadcastreceiver { @override public void onreceive(context context, intent intent) { // todo auto-generated method stub if (intent.getaction() != null) { if (intent.getaction().equals(intent.action_user_present)) { intent s = new intent(context, progressindicator.class); s.setflags(intent.flag_activity_brought_to_front); // s.setflags(windowmanager.layoutparams.flag_dismiss_keyguard); s.setflags(intent.flag_activity_clear_top); s.a...