windows - Visual Studio 2010, PCL, Qt and 32-bit and 64-bit: How? -
pcl 1.6 (point cloud library) requires stack of third-party libraries, including qt. this, have individual installers libraries , qt 4.8.0 both windows 32-bit , 64-bit support (yes, attempting avoid building of these source). require both 32- , 64-bit, separately. looks 32-bit , 64-bit qt installers write same installation folder , fear 1 overwrite other. can redirect install location, say, qt\4.8.0_64\
, qt\4.8.0_32\
differentiate installs? wreak havoc paths , registry entries pcl , builds?
yes can. have qt 4.8 , 5.0.2 on machine. environment variable qtdir points ne want. if use visual studio , qt addin can have multiple qt version changeable qt options dialog.
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