why my cannot edit/update database using PHP? -

here code. in code, when edit , "update" data in database using php, doesn't change data in database or myphpadmin. take @ below code:

<?php include("dataconn.php"); //connect database external php.  if($_session["loggedin"]!="true")     header("location:admin_login.php");  $aid=$_session["userid"]; $admin_info="select * admin ad_id='".$aid."'";      if(isset($_post["savebtn"])) {     $adname=$_post["name"];     $adaddress=$_post["address"];     $ademail=$_post["email"];     $adcontact=$_post["contact"];              mysql_query("update admin set ad_name='".$ad_name."',address='".$adaddress."',email='".$ademail."',contact_num='".$adcontact."' ad_id=$aid");      header("location:profile.php");  }   ?>      <body>          <form name="edit" method="post" action="">             <tr>                 <th class="title">name</th>                 <td>:</td>                 <th><input type="text" size="50" value="<?php echo $row["ad_name"]?>" name="name"/></th>              </tr>              <tr>                 <th class="title">address</th>                 <td>:</td>                 <th><input type="text" size="50" value="<?php echo $row["address"];?>" name="address" /></th>             </tr>             <tr>                 <th class="title">email</th>                 <td>:</td>                 <th><input type="text" size="50" value="<?php echo $row["email"];?>" name="email"/></th>             </tr>             <tr>                 <th class="title">contact number</th>                 <td>:</td>                 <th><input type="text" size="50" value="<?php echo $row["contact_num"];?>" name="contact"></th>             </tr>          <table>          <span id="edit"><input type="submit" name="savebtn" value="save/change"/></span>         </form>     </body>    </html> 

i have tried fix numerous times,but still has same problem. can me?

to finfing error:

<?php  echo $adname . '<br />'; echo $adaddress . '<br />'; echo $ademail . '<br />'; echo $adcontact . '<br />';  $result = mysql_query("update admin set ad_name='".$ad_name."',address='".$adaddress."',email='".$ademail."',contact_num='".$adcontact."' ad_id=$aid");  if (!$result) {     die('invalid query: ' . mysql_error()); }else{     //header("location:profile.php");     echo "success"; }   ?> 

and try change code pdo, this:

<?php  if(isset($_post["savebtn"])){  $adname=$_post["name"]; $adaddress=$_post["address"]; $ademail=$_post["email"]; $adcontact=$_post["contact"];  try {   $pdo = new pdo('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=somedatabase', $username, $password);   $pdo->setattribute(pdo::attr_errmode, pdo::errmode_exception);    $stmt = $pdo->prepare('update admin set ad_name=:adname ,address = :adaddress , email = :ademail , contact_num = :adcontact ad_id = :aid');    $stmt->execute(array(     ':adname'   => $adname,     ':adaddress' => $adaddress,     ':ademail' => $ademail,     ':adcontact' => $adcontact,     ':aid' => $aid   ));    header("location:profile.php");  } catch(pdoexception $e) {   echo 'error: ' . $e->getmessage(); }  }  ?> 


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