ruby on rails - Login in to main app from active admin -
i have app, , connected active admin. i'm trying let admin user login user via active admin without password using devises's sign_in @user
method. possible achieve out of box?
i can make redirect username in params/session, isnt secure, if wouldnt pass outside active admin.
any ideas?
i'm not sure mean "not secure"; devise internals can make sure admin user, etc, , need pass around username of new user. said, code below entirely within activeadmin , achieve want.
n.b. can't think of easy way sign admin user in (i use same devise users , use role-based auth).
member_action :sign_in_as, :method => :put user = user.find(params[:id]) sign_in user, bypass: true redirect_to root_path end action_item :only => :show link_to('sign in as', sign_in_as_admin_user_path(user), method: 'put') end
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