c# - Different Timer for each item in List on ViewModel -

i have list of actions need performed company representatives , open timer if on edit x minutes. , 10 minutes page refreshed.

the problem many company agent can access , edit action. colored item on view, if agent "sleepee" x minutes - underprocess field reset false;

so start adding model field tell me action "underprocess" (i love codefirst :) , add viewmodel static dictionary on edit thare , add row kay-actionid , datetime of edit. after in view on foreach if item.underprocess style=color:red .. course after edit remove dictionary , change bool flag.

but not working - stay red after x minutes, think problem on static dictionary because when debug empty.

hare viewmodel:

public class agentactionviewmodel {     public supplieraction action { get; set; }     public list<supplieraction> actions { get; set; }//= new list<supplieraction>();      public static dictionary<int, datetime> underprocessfrom;     public static agentactionviewmodel()     {         underprocessfrom = new dictionary<int, datetime>();     } } 

the controller:


[supplierauthorization] public actionresult agentaction(..) {      response.addheader("refresh", (minutes*60).tostring());       list<supplieraction> actions = db.supplieractions.tolist();                  bool flag = false;      var collection = agentactionviewmodel.underprocessfrom.keys;      foreach (var aid in collection)      {         if (agentactionviewmodel.underprocessfrom[aid].addminutes(minutes) <= datetime.now)         {            agentactionviewmodel.underprocessfrom.remove(aid);            var action = actions.find(a=>a.supplieractionid == aid);            action.underprocess = false;            db.entry(action).state = entitystate.modified;         }      }       if(flag)         db.savechanges();            ...          var vm = new agentactionviewmodel();         vm.actions = actions.orderbydescending(d => d.requestdate).tolist();         return view(vm);     } 

get edit:

    [supplierauthorization]     public actionresult edit(int id = -1)     {         try         {             ...             if (!a.underprocess)             {                 a.underprocess = true;                 db.entry(a).state = entitystate.modified;                 db.savechanges();                 agentactionviewmodel.underprocessfrom.add(id, datetime.now);             }             ...         }                 catch (exception ex)         {             ....             if (a.underprocess)             {                 a.underprocess = false;                 db.entry(a).state = entitystate.modified;                 db.savechanges();                 agentactionviewmodel.underprocessfrom.remove(id);             }             .....         }     ...     } 

post edit :

..... if (vm.action.underprocess) {    vm.action.underprocess = false;    agentactionviewmodel.underprocessfrom.remove(vm.actionid); } ..... 

my view :

@model occ.iptogo.viewmodel.agentactionviewmodel .... <tbody>         @foreach (var item in model.actions)         {             <tr style="@(item.underprocess ? "color:red" : "")">                 <td>           ..... 

10x sorry bad english =)

using static memory repository in web application bad idea, if repository short term.

the main reason memory repository cannot scaled - if run server in multi-process topography, or multi-machine topography - memory not shared, timers not shared either.

also, when server restarted - memory gone it, , lose information.

i suggest use more scallable repository, maybe memcached if don't part of database.

at least, make easier debug problem.


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