neo4j - cypher find relation direction -

how can find relation direction regards containing path? need weighted graph search takes account relation direction (weighing "wrong" direction 0, see comments).

lets say:

start a=node({param}) match a-[*]-b a, b match p = allshortestpaths(a-[*]-b) return extract(r in rels(p): flows_with_path(r)) in_flow 

where flows_with_path = 1 if sp = (a)-[*0..]-[r]->[*0..]-(b), otherwise 0

edit: corrected query

so, here's way existing cypher functions. don't promise it's super performant, give shot. we're building our collection reduce, using accumulator tuple collection , last node looked at, can check it's connected next node. requires 2.0's case/when syntax--there may way in 1.9 it's more complex.

start a=node:node_auto_index(name="trinity")  match a-[*]-b  <> b distinct a,b  match p = allshortestpaths(a-[*]-b)  return extract(x in nodes(p):, // concise representation of path we're checking   head(     reduce(acc=[[], head(nodes(p))], x in tail(nodes(p)): // pop first node off, traverse tail       case when (y in tail(acc) y-->x)  // bit of hack because tail(acc)-->x doesn't parse right, had wrap can have bare identifier in pattern predicate            [head(acc) + 0, x]    // add 0 our accumulator collection            else [head(acc) + 1, x]    // add 1 our accumulator collection        end )) in_line


+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | extract(x in nodes(p):                               | in_line   | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ["trinity","morpheus"]                                        | [1]       | | ["trinity","morpheus","cypher"]                               | [1,0]     | | ["trinity","morpheus","cypher","agent smith"]                 | [1,0,0]   | | ["trinity","morpheus","cypher","agent smith","the architect"] | [1,0,0,0] | | ["trinity","neo"]                                             | [1]       | | ["trinity","neo",<null>]                                      | [1,1]     | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 

note: @boggle brainstorming session.


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