Serialization and deserialization of two dimensional float array in C++ -

i have structure:

struct desc {     int rows;     int cols; } 

and 2 dimensional float array.

i need transfer structure , data through network. how serialize/deserialize correctly?

this now:

desc desc; desc.rows = 32; desc.cols = 1024; float data[rows][cols]; // setting values on array char buffer[sizeof(desc)+sizeof(float)*desc.rows*desc.probes]; memcpy(&buffer[0], &desc, sizeof(desc));    // copying struct buffer memcpy(&buffer[0]+sizeof(desc), &data, sizeof(float)*rows*probes);    // copying data buffer 

but i'm not sure if correct approach.

can give me hints how this?

if stay in c++ , want efficient use boost serialization - otherwise json might friend. adapted demo serializing struct file - writes/reads to/from streams.

#include <fstream> #include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp> #include <boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp>  struct desc {     int rows;     int cols;      private:      friend class boost::serialization::access;      template<class archive>     void serialize(archive & ar, const unsigned int version)     {         ar & rows;         ar & cols;     }      public:     desc()     {         rows=0;         cols=0;     };  };  int main() {      std::ofstream ofs("filename");      // prepare dummy struct     desc data;     data.rows=11;     data.cols=22;      // save struct file     {         boost::archive::text_oarchive out_arch(ofs);         out_arch << data;         // archive , stream closed when destructors called     }      //...load struct file     desc data2;     {         std::ifstream ifs("filename");         boost::archive::text_iarchive in_arch(ifs);         in_arch >> data2;         // archive , stream closed when destructors called     }     return 0; } 

note: i've not checked if example works.



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