knockout.js - KnockoutJS custom binding of typeahead.js losing allBindingsAccessor function -

my goal: using knockoutjs have collection of input text fields user can type in product names , typeahead.js give auto-suggestions each text box. more of these text fields can added or removed dynamically.

see live example (js fiddle):

the problem is: typeahead works initial text fields, works partially dynamically fields. knockout custom binding allbindingsaccessor() undefined cannot save value.


typeerror: string not function 


<div data-bind="foreach: products">     <div class="product">         <label>enter product name:</label>         <input type="text" class="text-input product-search" data-bind="typeahead: productname, value: productname, productnameval: productname, productidval: productid, valueupdate: 'afterkeydown'" />         <a class="btn btn-danger" data-bind="click: $root.removeproduct" title="remove">remove</a>     </div> </div> <a class="btn btn-primary" data-bind="click: addproduct">add product</a> 


var = {}, i; // create 2 initial entry boxes my.initialdata = []; (i = 2; !== 0; -= 1) {     my.initialdata.push({ productname: "", productid: 0 }); } // knockout model my.productsmodel = function (products) {     var self = this;     self.products = ko.observablearray(ko.utils.arraymap(products, function (product) {         return {             productname: ko.observable(product.productname),             productid: ko.observable(product.productid)         };     }));     self.addproduct = function () {         self.products.push({             productname: "",             productid: 0         });     };     self.removeproduct = function (product) {         self.products.remove(product);     }; }; // list of product options my.productslist = [     { value: 'alpha', productid: 1 },     { value: 'apple', productid: 2 },     { value: 'beta', productid: 3 },     { value: 'bannana', productid: 4 },     { value: 'gamma', productid: 5 },     { value: 'grape', productid: 6 },     { value: 'delta', productid: 7 },     { value: 'dragonfruit',productid: 8 },     { value: 'diamond',productid: 9 } ]; // typeahead handler ko.bindinghandlers.typeahead = {     init: function (element, valueaccessor, allbindingsaccessor) {         var $e = $(element),             productnameval = allbindingsaccessor().productnameval,             productidval = allbindingsaccessor().productidval;          var updatevalues = function(datum) {             productnameval(datum.value);             productidval(datum.productid);         };         $e.typeahead({             name: 'products',             local: my.productslist         }).on('typeahead:selected', function (el, datum) {             updatevalues(datum);         }).on('typeahead:autocompleted', function (el, datum) {             updatevalues(datum);         }).blur(function () {             var el, val, arraycheck;             el = $(this);             val = el.val();             arraycheck = ($.grep(my.productslist, function (n) { return n.value === val; }).length !== 0);             if (!arraycheck) {                 el.val('');                 source('');                 productidval(0);             }         });     } }; // apply bindings $(document).ready(function () {     ko.applybindings(new my.productsmodel(my.initialdata)); }); 

you need make properties of newly added items observable.

the initial items working because in self.products

self.products =     ko.observablearray(ko.utils.arraymap(products, function (product) {         return {             productname: ko.observable(product.productname),             productid: ko.observable(product.productid)         };     })); 

you have created items observable properties.

so change addproduct function to:

self.addproduct = function () {         self.products.push({             productname: ko.observable(""),             productid: ko.observable(0)         });     }; 

demo jsfiddle.


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