jsf 2 - Dynamic datatable for columns and rows jsf (JSF2) -

i followed below link added columns , row data dynamic, little confused on how show on xhtml. help


list<string> strlist = new arraylist<string>();         list<list<string>> dynamiclistynamiclist = new arraylist<list<string>>();         strlist.add("name");         strlist.add("ssn");          for(string columnname : columnnameslist){              strlist.add(columnname);     }           list<string> rowdata = new arraylist<string>();          for(string otherlist : listdata){              try {                  rowdata.add(otherlist.getname());                  rowdata.add(otherlist.getid());                     if(otherlist.getamount() != null){                          for(bigdecimal amount : otherlist.getamount()){                              if(amount != null){                                  rowdata.add(amount.tostring());                              }else{                                  rowdata.add("");                              }                          }                     }else{                         for(string s : strlist){                              rowdata.add("");                         }                     }                   } catch (exception e) {                     // todo: handle exception                      e.printstacktrace();                 }                  dynamiclistynamiclist.add(arrays.aslist(rowdata.toarray(new string[rowdata.size()] )));             }          string[] strarray = new string[strlist.size()];         dynamicheaders =   strlist.toarray(strarray );         populatedynamicdatatable(dynamiclistynamiclist);          private void populatedynamicdatatable(list<list<string>> dynamiclist2){              htmldatatable dynamicdatatable = new htmldatatable();              (int = 0; < dynamiclist2.get(0).size(); i++) {                  htmlcolumn column = new htmlcolumn();                  dynamicdatatable.getchildren().add(column);                  htmloutputtext header = new htmloutputtext();                     header.setvalue(createvalueexpression("#{dynamicitemcolumn[" + dynamicheaders[i] + "]}", string.class));                     column.setheader(header);                     htmloutputtext output = new htmloutputtext();                     output.setvalueexpression("value",                         createvalueexpression("#{dynamicitem[" + + "]}", string.class));                     column.getchildren().add(output);              }               dynamicdatatablegroup = new htmlpanelgroup();              dynamicdatatablegroup.getchildren().add(dynamicdatatable);              setdynamiclist(dynamiclist2); 

every thing works fine data being added, wasnt sure , apologies, how iterate in jsf page(xhtml), show relvant columna nd rowdata..


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