Bash - replace string inside all files in directory -
i have 31 .ctl files in directory, looks this:
load data characterset al32utf8 infile '../dane/kontakty_biura_wyborcze.csv' "str '\n'" append table odi_puw_osoby2 fields terminated ';' optionally enclosed '"' , '"' trailing nullcols ( lp char(4000), wojewodztwo char(4000), powiat char(4000), gmina char(4000), nazwa_instytucji char(4000), kod char(4000), miejscowosc char(4000), adres char(4000), nazwisko_i_imie char(4000), funkcja char(4000), tel_sluzb_stacjon_1 char(4000), tel_sluzb_stacjon_2 char(4000), tel_sluzb_stacjon_3 char(4000), tel_sluzb_kom_1 char(4000), tel_sluzb_kom_2 char(4000), fax_sluzb_1 char(4000), fax_sluzb_2 char(4000), email_sluzb_1 char(4000), email_sluzb_2 char(4000), www char(4000), typ constant "biura wyborcze.", odi_sesja_id constant "20130717144702" odi_status constant "0", imie expression "pg_odi_utils.zwroc_imiona(pg_odi_utils.usun_przyrostki(:nazwisko_i_imie),0)", nazwisko expression "pg_odi_utils.zwroc_nazwisko(pg_odi_utils.usun_przyrostki(:nazwisko_i_imie),0)" )
there 31 files this. need replace value in line:
odi_sesja_id constant '20130717144702'
to new timestamp, same files. current timestamp not known (i mean value exists in file currently, in case '20130717144702').
so need (for each file found in directory):
- find line starting odi_sesja_id
- replace value after 'odi_sesja_id constant ' new one
- the rest lines in file should stay untouched
what best way using bash? should use sed or similar tools? how?
something like:
sed 's/\(^[ \t]\+odi_sesja_id\ constant\).*/\1 \"newtimestamp\"/' tmp
should work.
group string retained, adding placeholder (\1
) in replacement string. replace newtimestamp
whatever value prefer, of course.
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