sql - How to select a database in Postgres with PHP? -
i have following string connection:
$string_connection = "host=localhost port=5432 user=postgres password=postgres"; $conn = pg_connect($string_connection );
later in code, need select database:
but, have following error:
warning: pg_connect(): unable connect postgresql server: fe_sendauth: no password supplied in ..\class.databases.php on line 142
but, in example of php.net, this. example:
pg_query($conn,'\connect my_database');
why dont work?
when backup pgadmin, got following strings:
set statement_timeout = 0; set client_encoding = 'utf8'; set standard_conforming_strings = off; set check_function_bodies = false; set client_min_messages = warning; set escape_string_warning = off; drop database my_database; create database my_database encoding = 'utf8' lc_collate = 'portuguese_brazil.1252' lc_ctype = 'portuguese_brazil.1252'; alter database my_database owner postgres; \connect my_database
whe try run script pg_query, have erros:
warning: pg_query(): query failed: erro: syntax error in "\" line 1: \connect my_database ^
i need select dabatase create schema create tables... dont know how postgres.
add "dbname=my_database" connection string select database @ conection time.
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