Adwords Script Failed to read from AdWords. Please wait a bit and try again -

i wrote adwords script in order pause ads (with specific label) belonging specific adgroup.

but when run it, error ocurred "failed read adwords. please wait bit , try again." error ocurred because of line ".withcondition("labelnames contains 'test'")"

when delete line, code works without issue.

  var campaignsiterator = adwordsapp.campaigns()   .withcondition("name contains 'specific campaign'")   .get();    if(!campaignsiterator.hasnext()){     logger.log("no campaign");   }else{      while (campaignsiterator.hasnext()) {       var campaign =;        var adgroupiterator = campaign.adgroups()       .withcondition("name contains 'specific adgroup'")       .get();        while (adgroupiterator.hasnext()) {         var adgroup =;         logger.log("campaign : " + campaign.getname() + " | adgroup : " + adgroup.getname());          var aditeratornormal =         .withcondition("labelnames contains 'label-test'")          .withcondition("type = text_ad")         .get()          while(aditeratornormal.hasnext()){           var ads =;             if(ads.isenabled()){              ads.pause;            }         }       }      }   } 

i know how can solve issue. thank pascal

to solve issue: replace "contains 'label-test'" "contains_any ['label-test']"!topic/adwords-scripts/pqh0i1_ykdo


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