oracle - How to INSERT a DATE? -

hi new oracle , forgot how enter date. have tried many variations , can't seem it, plus have looked on internet can't find correct example. table set this: hiredate date, (date being assume default input, default).

thanks help.

here's code:

sql> set linesize 120 sql> set pagesize 45 sql> set feedback 1 sql> set echo on sql>  sql> drop table employee   2   sql> creat table student sp2-0734: unknown command beginning "creat tabl..." - rest of line ignored. sql> create table employee   2  (   3  empno    number(4)constraint employee_empno_pk primary key,   4  empname  varchar(10),   5  job      varchar(10),   6  manager  number(4),   7  hiredate date,   8  salary   number(7,2),   9  commission number(7,2),  10  deptno   number(2)  11  );  table created.  sql> insert employee   2   values(7839, 'president', null, 11/17/1981, 5000, null, 10); insert employee             * error @ line 1: ora-00947: not enough values   sql> values(7839, 'president', null, '11/17/1978', 5000, null, 10); sp2-0734: unknown command beginning "values(783..." - rest of line ignored. sql> insert employee   2   values(7839, 'president', null, '11/17/1978', 5000, null, 10); insert employee             * error @ line 1: ora-00947: not enough values   sql> insert employee   2   values(7839, 'king', 'president', null, 11/17/1981, 5000, null, 10);  values(7839, 'king', 'president', null, 11/17/1981, 5000, null, 10)                                               * error @ line 2: ora-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected date got number   sql> insert employee   2   values(7839, 'king', 'president', null, 19811117, 5000, null, 10);  values(7839, 'king', 'president', null, 19811117, 5000, null, 10)                                          * error @ line 2: ora-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected date got number   sql> insert employee   2   values(7839, 'king', 'president', null, '11/17/1981', 5000, null, 10);  values(7839, 'king', 'president', null, '11/17/1981', 5000, null, 10)                                          * error @ line 2: ora-01843: not valid month   sql> insert employee   2   values(7839, 'king', 'president', null, '1978/11/17   3  )   4  ; error: ora-01756: quoted string not terminated   sql> insert employee   2   values(7839, 'king', 'president' null, '1978/11/17', 5000, null, 10);  values(7839, 'king', 'president' null, '1978/11/17', 5000, null, 10)                                   * error @ line 2: ora-00917: missing comma  hello, new mysql , forgot how insert @ date when using mysql plus. have tried many different variations able see , can't seem figure out. looked on internet find examples make there own formats. correct way insert date when table created using: hiredate   sql> insert employee   2   values(7839, 'king', 'president', null, '1981/11/17', 5000, null, 10);  values(7839, 'king', 'president', null, '1981/11/17', 5000, null, 10)                                          * error @ line 2: ora-01861: literal not match format string   sql> insert employee   2   values(7839, 'king', 'president', null, '1981/17/11', 5000, null, 10);  values(7839, 'king', 'president', null, '1981/17/11', 5000, null, 10)                                          * error @ line 2: ora-01861: literal not match format string   sql> insert employee   2   values(7839, 'king', 'president', null, '17/11/1981', 5000, null, 10);  values(7839, 'king', 'president', null, '17/11/1981', 5000, null, 10)                                          * error @ line 2: ora-01843: not valid month   sql> insert employee   2   values(7839, 'king', 'president', null, '81/11/17', 5000, null, 10);  values(7839, 'king', 'president', null, '81/11/17', 5000, null, 10)                                          * error @ line 2: ora-01847: day of month must between 1 , last day of month   sql> insert employee   2   values(7839, 'king', 'president', null, '17/11/81', 5000, null, 100);  values(7839, 'king', 'president', null, '17/11/81', 5000, null, 100)                                          * error @ line 2: ora-01843: not valid month   sql> insert employee   2   values(7839, 'king, 'president', null, '11/17/1981', 5000, null, 10); error: ora-01756: quoted string not terminated   sql> insert employee   2   values(7839, 'king', 'president', null, '11/17/81', 5000, null, 10);  values(7839, 'king', 'president', null, '11/17/81', 5000, null, 10)                                          * error @ line 2: ora-01843: not valid month   sql> insert employee   2   values(7839, 'king', 'president', null, '17/11/81', 5000, null, 10);  values(7839, 'king', 'president', null, '17/11/81', 5000, null, 10)                                          * error @ line 2: ora-01843: not valid month   sql> insert employee   2   values(7839, 'king', 'president', null, '81/17/11', 5000, null, 10);  values(7839, 'king', 'president', null, '81/17/11', 5000, null, 10)                                          * error @ line 2: ora-01847: day of month must between 1 , last day of month   sql> insert employee   2   values(7839, 'king', 'president', null, '17/81/11', 5000, null, 10);  values(7839, 'king', 'president', null, '17/81/11', 5000, null, 10)                                          * error @ line 2: ora-01843: not valid month   sql> insert employee   2   values(7839, 'king', 'president', null, '81/11/17', 5000, null, 10);  values(7839, 'king', 'president', null, '81/11/17', 5000, null, 10)                                          * error @ line 2: ora-01847: day of month must between 1 , last day of month   sql> insert employee   2   values(7839, 'king', 'president', null, '1981-11-17', 5000, null, 10);  values(7839, 'king', 'president', null, '1981-11-17', 5000, null, 10)                                          * error @ line 2: ora-01861: literal not match format string   sql> insert employee   2   values(7839, 'king', 'president', null, '17/11/1981', 5000, null, 10);  values(7839, 'king', 'president', null, '17/11/1981', 5000, null, 10)                                          * error @ line 2: ora-01843: not valid month 

you can use to_date function:

to_date('11/17/1981', 'mm/dd/yyyy') 

it lets specify date string , format in oracle can convert date.

or can use date literal:

date '1981-11-17'


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