iphone - popToViewController, it isn't give me any crash but, doesn't open controllview and animating so code doesn't work -

uinavigationcontroller *loginnavcon = [[uinavigationcontroller alloc] init]; loginnavcon.navigationcontroller.navigationbarhidden=yes; loginnavcon.navigationbar.barstyle = uibarstyleblack;  //i created navigationcontroller hear  pushme *p=[[pushme alloc]initwithnibname:@"pushme" bundle:[nsbundle mainbundle]]; 

//this simple controllview. there colour view

[loginnavcon pushviewcontroller:p animated:yes]; nsarray *currentviewcontrollers = [loginnavcon viewcontrollers]; nsmutablearray *vcs =  [nsmutablearray arraywitharray:currentviewcontrollers];  [loginnavcon setviewcontrollers:vcs animated:no]; [loginnavcon popviewcontrolleranimated:yes]; [loginnavcon poptoviewcontroller:p animated:yes]; 

set root with:

initwithrootviewcontroller:(uiviewcontroller *)rootviewcontroller

if pop, go vc.


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