Execute JAR of dependent artifact in Maven -

i'm working on multi-module maven project looks this:

parent-project (pom) +- module1 (executable-jar) +- module2 (executable-jar) +- module3 (jar) +- ... +- distribution (pom) 

the distribution module lists dependencies on module1, module2, , module3. want distribution module test project , package up. i'm using module testing since distribution contains necessary configuration files. if start tests manually command line this:

$ # pre-integration-test: $ java -djava.rmi.server.codebase=file:module3.jar -jar module1.jar $ java -djava.rmi.codebase=file:module3.jar -jar module2.jar 

i've looked @ exec-maven-plugin binding these calls pre-integration-test phase, plugin includes jars on classpath instead of directory holding jar itself. think benefit plugin can easliy execute jars produced project's dependencies. way, can in distribution pom:

... <plugin>   <artifactid>some-magic-plugin</artifactid>   <executions><execution>     <phase>pre-integration-test</phase>     <goals><goal>exec-dependency</goal></goals>     <configuration>       <artifactid>module1</artifactid>       <vmarguments>...</vmarguments>       <arguments>...</arguments>     </configuration>   </execution></executions> </plugin> 

is there plugin this? ideally, able to:

  1. execute jar artifact given maven-coordinates
  2. put directories containing artifacts' jars on path (so can include jars command line arguments)

i've laso looked @ dependency:copy goal try , copy jars common path first, seems unnecessary since jars built part of project. (i'm not sure directory make best copy-destination).


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