ios - custom view when local notification is fired -

i relatively new xcode, building simple alarm clock , below small snippet of app. question is: how display custom view ( i.e. picture or animation ) when alarm fired, , put " dismiss " button on ? thank in advance


 - (void) schedulelocalnotificationwithdate:(nsdate *)firedate :(nsstring *)message  {      uilocalnotification *notificaiton = [[uilocalnotification alloc] init];      if (notificaiton == nil)         return;      notificaiton.firedate = firedate;      notificaiton.alertbody = message;      notificaiton.timezone = [nstimezone defaulttimezone];      notificaiton.alertaction = @"view";      notificaiton.soundname = @"alarm-clock-1.mp3";      notificaiton.applicationiconbadgenumber = 1;      notificaiton.repeatinterval = kcfcalendarunitweekday;      nslog(@"repeat interval %@",notificaiton.description);       [[uiapplication sharedapplication] schedulelocalnotification:notificaiton]; 

use method

handle notificaton when app running

- (void)application:(uiapplication *)app didreceivelocalnotification:(uilocalnotification *)notif  { // show custom alert view } 

handle launching notification

- (bool)application:(uiapplication *)application didfinishlaunchingwithoptions:(nsdictionary *)launchoptions {  uilocalnotification *localnotif = [launchoptions objectforkey:uiapplicationlaunchoptionslocalnotificationkey]; if (localnotif)  { // show custom alert view }  return yes; } 


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