c# - How to use reverse in foreach of XmlNodeList? -
i want data in reverse foreach
here xmlnodelist comments = d.selectnodes("//comments/comment/creator");
i've 4 values,i want reverse it
i've written code
public void commentm4(string pstid, string cmtid) { xmldocument d = new xmldocument(); d.loadxml(content); xmlnodelist comments = d.selectnodes("//comments/comment/creator"); foreach (xmlnode xncomment in comments) { commentmemberid = xncomment["id"].innertext; dbconnection.open(); dbcommand = new oledbcommand("select count(response_id) mw_response customer_id = '" + commentmemberid + "' , post_id='" + pstid + "'", dbconnection); oledbdatareader dbreader = dbcommand.executereader(); while (dbreader.read()) { count = dbreader[0].tostring(); cnt = convert.toint32(count); if ((cnt == 0) && (comments1 != "")) { dbcommand = new oledbcommand("update mw_response set prod_id = (select prod_id mw_post post_id='" + pstid + "'),customer_id = (select customer_id mw_customer customer_id='" + commentmemberid + "') response_id = '" + cmtid + "'", dbconnection); dbcommand.executenonquery(); } } dbreader.close(); dbconnection.close(); } }
any ideas? in advance.
use for
loop instead, starts @ last element, , works way first.
if (comments.count > 0) { (int = (comments.count - 1); >= 0; i--) { xmlnode xncomment = comments[i]; //rest of logic... } }
update: i've added if-block make sure loop runs if there more 1 element in collection.
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