assembly - What does it mean by MOV D D? -

in assembly language, instruction

mov b 

means moving content of b (source) a (destination).
came instruction

mov d d 

what imply?

i have seen in lab manual. screenshot:

enter image description here

the 8085 register-to-register mov instructions orthogonal. is, there opcodes move of 8-bit registers of other 8-bit registers. mov d,d moves contents of d register d register. doesn't useful , doesn't affect of flags, it's valid instruction mov a,a, mov b,b, etc.

copying register "no operation" or nop instruction. "official" 8085 nop opcode 00, of register-move-to-itself instructions have same effect.

it's artifact of way processor designed. there tricks can make use of instructions, they're not useful.


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