combobox - How to work with treecombo in Extjs 4.1 -
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try make treecombo in extjs4.1 in here code
ext.onready(function() { ext.create('ext.ux.treecombo', { margin:10, width:120, height: 10, treeheight: 10, treewidth: 240, renderto: 'treecombo3', store: storemenu, selectchildren: false, canselectfolders: true ,itemtreeclick: function(view, record, item, index, e, eopts, treecombo) { var id =; // want here. // combo nothing (not selected item or not finish) when init itemtreeclick function } }); });
1st problem: want id of tree , when click item of tree on combo. combo not complete (seleted) when click (combo nothing).
2nd problem: if change store dynamic like
var treestore = ext.create('', { proxy: { type: 'ajax', url: 'example.php', reader: { type: 'json' } }, autoload: true });
i error
my json
[ { id : '1' , text : 'a', iconcls: 'cls1' ,children :[{ id : '2' , text : 'b', iconcls: 'cls2' ,children :[{ id : '9' , text : 'a', iconcls: 'cls' ,children :[]},{ id : '14' , text : 'a', iconcls: 'c' ,children :[{ id : '33' , text : 'b', iconcls: 'cls' ,children :[{ id : '35' , text : 'a', iconcls: 'cls' ,children :[{ id : '36' , text : 'a', iconcls: 'cls' ,children :[]}]}]}]},{ id : '16' , text : 'd', iconcls: 'cls' ,leaf:true}]},...
how can fix thank
to solve second problem, need specify root node when creating tree store.
var treestore = ext.create('', { root: { text: 'root', id: '0' }, proxy: { type: 'ajax', url: 'example.php', reader: { type: 'json' } }, autoload: true });
also, should mention variable name used tree store in jsfiddle example storemenu rather treestore. if want replace static tree store ajax version, make sure using correct variable name.
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