regex - PHP .htaccess removing .php extension and language directory to parameter -

i'm looking regulair expression .htaccess file inside php server.

what want detects language first directory parameter:

  • nl
  • en
  • be
  • de

any other options must treated directory or filename. language must given parameter without corrupting other parameters.

also want last / replaced .php.

some examples: -> -> -> 

is possible? can't work, hope me out!

<ifmodule mod_rewrite.c> rewriteengine on rewritecond %{request_filename} !-f rewritecond %{request_filename}.php -f rewriterule >>> requested expression , replacing pattern <<< </ifmodule> 

rewriterule ^/([a-z]{2})(/.+)/?$ $2.php?lang=$1 [qsa] 

regexes easiest interpret considering piece @ time. let's break down:

  • ^ - start of url
  • / - match first slash
  • ([a-z]{2}) - match , capture 2 letters (goes $1 variable)
  • ( - begin capture group (goes $2)
  • / - match slash
  • .+ - match 0 or more characters
  • ) - end capture group ($2)
  • /? - match optional end slash of "file path" (but don't capture it)
  • $ - end of url

so, you're capturing 2 things:

1. language (capture group $1):


2. file path, starting slash (capture group $2), followed optional slash:


finally, qsa flag @ end appends original query string (if there one) rewritten url. if you'd make regex match case-insensitive (i.e. allow urls, can add nc flag too: [qsa,nc]. alternatively, explicitly allow capital letters using [a-za-z] instead of [a-z] in regex.


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