c# - I am trying to figure out how to convert roman numerals into integers -
i trying figure out how convert roman numerals integers. portion of code. when prompt user enter m shows 1000, when prompt user enter roman numeral such vm, not give me 995 instead 1005. because telling program that.
what trying figure out how can ahead , know when adding or subtracting roman numerals.
how begin go doing this?
class roman { public int inprogress = 0; public roman(string roman) { char temp = 'z'; int length; length = roman.length; (int = 0; < length; i++) { temp = roman[i]; if (temp == 'm') { inprogress = inprogress + 1000; } if (temp == 'd') { inprogress = inprogress + 500; } if (temp == 'c') { inprogress = inprogress + 100; } if (temp == 'l') { inprogress = inprogress + 50; } if (temp == 'x') { inprogress = inprogress + 10; } if (temp == 'v') { inprogress = inprogress + 5; } if (temp == 'i') { inprogress = inprogress + 1; } } } }
the trick converting roman numerals work backwards (from end of string) not forwards, makes lot easier.
eg, if have ix
- you start x, = 10
- move 1.... i, less x subtract off 1 = 9
a reference solution....
public class romannumeral { public static int toint(string s) { var last = 0; return s.reverse().select(numeralvalue).sum(v => { var r = (v >= last)? v : -v; last = v; return r; }); } private static int numeralvalue(char c) { switch (c) { case 'i': return 1; case 'v': return 5; case 'x': return 10; case 'l': return 50; case 'c': return 100; case 'd': return 500; case 'm': return 1000; } return 0; } }
note: doesn't validate roman numerals, convert ones valid.
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