mvc - Conditional rangevalidator +MVC -
in model of mvc application validate textbox required if specific checkbox checked.
something like
public bool retired {get, set}; [rangeif("retired",20,50)] public int retirementage {get, set};
how can that?
you need create custom validation attribute this:
public class rangeifattribute : validationattribute { protected rangeattribute _innerattribute; public string dependentproperty { get; set; } public rangeifattribute(string dependentproperty, int minimum, int maximum) { _innerattribute = new rangeattribute(minimum, maximum); dependentproperty = dependentproperty; } public rangeifattribute(string dependentproperty, double minimum, double maximum) { _innerattribute = new rangeattribute(minimum, maximum); dependentproperty = dependentproperty; } public rangeifattribute(string dependentproperty, type type, string minimum, string maximum) { _innerattribute = new rangeattribute(type, minimum, maximum); dependentproperty = dependentproperty; } public override string formaterrormessage(string name) { return _innerattribute.formaterrormessage(name); } protected override validationresult isvalid(object value, validationcontext validationcontext) { // reference property validation depends upon var containertype = validationcontext.objectinstance.gettype(); var field = containertype.getproperty(dependentproperty); if (field != null && field.propertytype.equals(typeof(bool))) { // value of dependent property var dependentvalue = (bool)(field.getvalue(validationcontext.objectinstance, null)); // if dependentvalue true... if (dependentvalue) { if (!_innerattribute.isvalid(value)) // validation failed - return error return new validationresult(formaterrormessage(validationcontext.displayname), new[] { validationcontext.membername }); } } return validationresult.success; } }
then, can use in model in question.
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