iphone - Core data/Database IOS -
i'm new ios programming, , have had great time learning it. took me 4 months grasp on it. have began creating own app, , ran in few questions. app i'm creating live app instagram, foursquare, etc. how store of information need. can use core-data create real-time app can handle updates multiple users?
the app i'm creating live app instagram, foursquare, etc. how store of information need.
you'll create sort of server manage data. having single, central source of data lot easier trying sync data between multiple devices.
can use core-data create real-time app can handle updates multiple users?
you can -- core data works on macos x on ios, write mac program server ios app. whether that's best approach question... suppose depends on how know core data, whether there advantages using same core data data model on both server , client, how many clients think might have support @ once, etc.
if you're asking using core data on ios client, yes, can that.
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